The First Lesson
Your first music lesson is a light-hearted, play-based lesson with the goal of having fun and becoming acquainted with the instructor. Many new students begin making music in this first lesson.
Piano Lessons
If you are unsure about which instrument to learn, we will always recommend the piano first. Learning piano establishes basic music fundamentals that easily transfer to other instruments.
Clarinet, Saxophone, or Flute Lessons
Whether your goals are to earn placement in all-district, all-state, regional honors bands, or placement in a performing arts school, you can be assured that we can help you reach your goals.
Beginning Guitar Lessons
While guitar can be a very difficult instrument to master, students often begin making music from day one.
Group Classes
Each month, at no additional cost, and when there is student interest and availability, we host a group class of similar age/ability students. This is a time to reinforce lesson topics as well as allow students to perform for each other in a fun, play-based environment.